Sep '24
Poor in Spirit
Sep '24
by Ronnie Hewitt
In Jesus’ discourse in the sermon on the mount (Matt 5:3-12), He gives a picture of the characteristics that should embody each child of God. We call these “the beatitudes.”
Each of the “Beatitudes” begin with the word “blessed.” The basic meaning of “blessed” is happy. However, blessed in a Biblical sense, has a much deeper meaning than what we tend to give the word in our English language. You see, “happiness” comes from the Old English word “hap” which means “chance or luck.” Therefore, happiness happens when happen-stances happen to be happy. In other words, happiness as we know it, only exists when the circumstances surrounding our lives are in our favor. But when we use the word “blessed” as the Bible speaks of it, we are speaking of a spiritual joy and a satisfaction that lasts regardless of conditions, which carries one through pain, sorrow, loss, and grief. The word “blessed” is the source of the word “beatitude,” and it means “a privileged recipient of divine favor and spiritual prosperity.”
Sep '24
Victory Through Faith
Sep '24
by Ronnie Hewitt
All nations have their heroes. Their lives play an important part in the education of the people, either for good or for bad. The world knows the power of example; our youth read about them and desire to be like them.
God knew first of all the power of example to instruct the human heart. We have in the Bible a long list of heroes, who won the victory by faith. The eleventh chapter of Hebrews contains a list of such heroes.
Aug '24
Unbelievable Power
Aug '24
by Ronnie Hewitt
If you believe in Jesus Christ, then you have more power available than you can possibly imagine. It is a power so great that it takes a revelation from God to even begin to comprehend it:Paul in Eph 1:16-21 says, “I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, 18 having the eyes of your